Діалоги на англійській мові. В магазині. В продуктовому магазині (В гастрономі)
Dialogue 1
- Good morning. Give me a package of butter, 300 grams of sausage and 200 grams of cheese. How much do I owe?
- You owe 15$.
- Here is 20$.
- Your change is 5$.
Dialogue 2
- Good morning. Do you have any tea?
- Good morning. Of course. Do you want some?
- Yes, I would like green tea.
- Good, what else?
- Give me a package of butter and a packet of biscuits. I think that's enough. How much is that?
- That's 20$.
- Ok, here is 20$.
- Thank you. Come again.
Dialogue 3
- Tomorrow our friends are coming. We need to buy some food.
- Ok, let's go to the food shop.
At the shop.
- Good morning. Give me 10 eggs, a bottle of milk, bacon and butter.
- Good morning. Ok, wait a minute. What else?
- I think, that's enough. Oh, no... sorry, I also need sugar. How much is that?
- That's 35$.
- Oh, sorry I have only 30$.
- You can pay the rest next time.
- Thank you very much. Good-bye.